Guinness World Record for tightest parallel park broken again [video]

Last May, Chinese stunt driver Han Yue squeezed a MINI Cooper between two MINI Cooper Clubman’s with a mere 15cm to spare.

A new Guinness World Record was set, which lasted until December, when Ronny Wechselberger parked a tiny three-door Volkswagen Up! between the other two cars, leaving only 14cm of space.

Now the world record for the tightest parallel park has been broken again, this time in a classic Mini Mayfair.

The new record was set last December, shortly after Ronny Wechselberger’s stunt by brother’s John and Alastair Moffatt leaving this time just 13.1cm between two cars. The cars used were old style Mini Mayfairs.

As you can see from the video it took more than one attempt to successfully park the classic Mini between two other Mini’s.