France deploying test fleet of 50 fuel-cell light commercial vehicles

France deploying test fleet of 50 fuel-cell light commercial vehicles

Under the project HyWay, France will deploy 50 fuel cell light commercial vehicles around 2 hydrogen distribution stations in Lyon and Grenoble.

The project is jointly supported by the government (DREALs and ADEME) and the Regional Council of Rhône-Alpes .

The 18-month project will use 50 Renault Kangoo ZEs fitted with fuel cells.

Seven industrial partners, alongside the Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), are conducting this demonstration project: Air Liquide; the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône (CNR); Gas Electricité de Grenoble (GEG); McPhy; PUS (Cofely Services); STEF; and Symbio FCELL.

The Rhône-Alpes region was chosen for its high concentration of key stakeholders in the field of hydrogen energy—some 80% of French stakeholders in the field. These are members of the consortium Mobility Hydrogen France, which has devised a national implementation plan, including HyWay.

In a second phase, the project provides for the development and production of hydrogen from local renewable energy.