Automaker Ads rank high on YouTube in 2012


AdWeek has now listed 20 most watched ads of 2012 on YouTube. Nine of the top 20 viewed were car-related with eight coming from automakers. The one not from automakers is from Hot Wheels and surely one of the coolest ones on the list.

All ads, except the Fiat ad were played during a Super Bowl, which is a huge event in the States drawing tens of millions of viewers.

Check out all eight videos from automakers, the additional ninth one from Hot Wheels, plus a classic ad from Strohs Brewery.Enjoy!

3. Volkswagen “The Bark Side”

5. Honda “Matthew’s Day Off

6. Volkswagen “The Dog Strikes Back

8. Chrysler “It’s Halftime in America

10. Audi “Vampire Party

11. Chevrolet “2012

16. Toyota “It’s Reinvented

18 Fiat “House Arrest

Team Hot Wheels “The Yellow Driver’s World Record Jump

The classic from 1984
Stroh’s Beer – “Trained dog (1984)